Trello Review – Just Love it! - Conversion Detectives

Trello Review – Just Love it!

Posted on Jan 11, 2021 |

What is Trello?

It’s a collaboration tool. Well, it’s more than that. It’s an easy and instinctive way of tracking projects.

I’ve toyed with it in the past and I quite liked it but I had no real use for it. What re-sparked my interest was when interviewing digital marketing people for a podcast, Jelly Trumpet (currently in pre launch). Three out of the five people named Trello as a tool they used.


Why Trello?

The people I interviewed on Jelly Trumpet named Trello because it enabled them to share easily lots of information. Now these people I interviewed are all in the digital space and all of them are creating original and imaginative content.

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The Right Client

Recently I signed a client who needed project management with an outsourced team. The client also needed a simple list of actions and this is where Trello hits it big.


The Setup

Easy. You just create a board for your team and invite them. They what you start with is your categories of what you want to track.

In this client’s case we wanted a calendar. Trello comes with a simple calendar. You create cards with a ‘Due Date’ and it will appear in the calendar.


The Card System

Essentially you are creating virtual cards for each element that you stack in order for a particular category of the work to be done.


Card Stacks for Client:

  • Actions: What each action is in priority order (you can easily more a card up the order)
  • Control: This lists such things as the audiences to concentrate on and tracking of stats.
  • Documents: Attachments like SOSTAC plan, SEO Awareness Checklist
  • Events: Seasonal events like holidays (which attach to the calendar)
  • Social: What we will be doing on each social platform
  • Notes & Ideas: Matters of interest and ideas for the future.
  • Video: A specific area, so features ideas and notes on video outlines
  • Website & Email: Specific actions for the hub’ of the business
  • YouTube: Again, a specific area to concentrate on for this particular client
  • Stage II: Ideas for the future requiring more resource including budget

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Features That Work

  1. Team members: appear on each card if you decide they are involved.
  2. Due date: vital as you want to plan milestones for work.
  3. Labels: you can name and colour code different categories.
  4. Comments, comments are easy to make if a team member has a question or idea.
  5. Checklists: You can make checklists easily for reoccurring tasks.
  6. Attachments: Works well with PDF’s but doesn’t support Excel.


What I Like About Trello

It’s easy to break down a marketing plan into the various parts. At Conversion Detectives we always start with an audit of the business on line and a deduction report. This research then feeds into a SOSTAC marketing plan, which is easy to break down into Trello.

Once the plan is broken down then it is easy to maintain focus, share and track progress.

It’s also easy, with one logon to see separate boards, each for a particular client. Trello also provide a variety of free templates.

All-in-all a great and easy to use tool that creates easy to follow actions for digital marketing.


Jim Signature

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About Conversion Detectives

Conversion Detectives is a full service digital marketing agency in Hertfordshire.

We find the best quality traffic for your website and convert more of that traffic into sales or sales leads.


Digital Marketing Strategy | Creative Content Marketing | Email Marketing |

Lead Generation | Content Strategy | Social Media Marketing |

Video Marketing SEO (Basics) | SEM |

Video Marketing | Blogging




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