SEO v Conversion Rate Optimisation

Posted on Sep 3, 2011 | 2 comments


I’ve been using a fantastic new SEO Tool, Linkdex. It’s a Software as a Service for everyone. You don’t have to be a Search Engine Optimisation geek to get the most out of it. Why? Well for two main reasons. First, it comes with a Task Manager and second it has an ‘SEO Assistant’.


The SEO Assistant

This SEO tool comes pre-loaded with a set of tasks to start your SEO and help you on your way with the SEO Assistant. Combined with short helpful videos and a solid FAQ you can get up and running very quickly.


Data Bomb

The other big bonus is their robots crawl more data than any other tool, adds an influencing factor (unique to Linkdex), and breaks down the link analysis into categories so you see how your competitors SEO strategy, you match it and then you surpass them.



Why the praise for Linkdex and what bearing does it have on Conversion Rate Optimisation? Well two things, first it saves you a lot of time by giving an accurate picture of your CRO competitors so you know who to analyse and therefore inform your CRO for your own site and second your SEO strategy will inform your Conversion Rate Optimisation. With an accurate tool you can segment your traffic and write ‘overcoming objections’ copy and if you combine the accurate information from Linkdex you can take a competitor’s link (in most cases) enter it in the Google Adplanner Tool and get a (rough) idea of your traffic.


Google Adplanner

When we used this at our last business we found the traffic it claimed was coming to a site was 10 – 20% out. But it is useful. You get a rough idea of the male/female split and what other sites visitors to your competitors have visited previously. It’s not accurate but it is free and could give you an edge. Not everyone has the budget to use Hitwise.

Visit Linkdex for your SEO


All the best,

Jim Signature

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