Google Led, Google Fed

Posted on Jun 20, 2011 | 0 comments

Google Fed and Google Led

Google Led and Fed in 5 Words

Individual, Custom, Google, Bubble Bursts


Google Does This Google Does That

Google is a massive force and wants it’s customers to have the best possible experience. Search is more individual and a new tool or service lands on the scene with the regularity of tax increases.


Why Do Google Do That?

Yes it’s service and yes it’s money but mostly it’s about making an individual experience. Did you know your search results are different from other people?

I read an extract from a book by Eli Pariser called The Filter Bubble.Google is making your experience unique it’s like going to a restaurant and being served a meal tailored to what you’ve eaten before. Nothing wrong with that is there?

Well yes, there is because you’re an individual who wants to make choices. You are no longer receiving that choice. Google is giving it to you. So are you going to be Google fed?

What’s This Got to Do with Website Conversion Rates?

You can go too far with creating an “individual experience” for everyone. Don’t get caught in the trap of thinking a visitor wants individual experience down to knowing the size of their toes.  They need just enough to feel they are an individual but most of all they want it quickly.

Learn where to stop.

Read about ‘The Filter Bubble’ Book by Eli Pariser here.

I’ve done it again, going off on one long harangue.  Bugger!


All the best,

Jim Signature



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