Writing Tips 5 Words
Use one word, not four.
Make the point quicker.
Jargon is the Devil
Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can use a simple one. Visitors scan the words on a page. Then they read. It’s not a novel or a page from The Radio Times. It’s a Web page.
Why use the word “Interface.” When you “talk with” visitors.
You may have “core competencies.” We have stuff we’re good at.
“Mission statement.” Belongs in the 90s.
“User-friendly?” Perhaps “easy-to-use” makes more sense.
Website Copy Tip
Aim for sentences of 16 words maximum. You are competing with a lot of other words on your competitor’s sites. If a visitor finds your page easy to read and gets the information quickly, you win.
“Can I have a word, Jim?”
“OK so long as it’s not Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Which I’ve just looked up and ‘found’ it means ‘The fear of long words.’”
All the best,