Conversion Rate Audit in 5 Words:
Plan, Invest, Improve, CRO, SEO
Have you had your Website for a number of years? Do you think that site can produce more revenue or sales leads for your business?
Should I Spend my Money on SEO or CRO?
We would say both and yes that’s because it’s our business but it’s also what we believe in. A Website should have be using SEO best practices to gain free traffic and then making the most of that traffic by converting it into business.
SEO v CRO What’s the Difference?
Search Engine Optimisation and Conversion Rate Optimisation are 2 different disciplines but they work in a symbiotic relationship. SEO creates more traffic by making your site more attractive to the search engines and Conversion Rate Optimisation makes the most of the traffic that comes to your site by a range of methods based on A/B page testing and finding out more about your visitors.
It’s Not Rocket Science
Funny enough I first learnt about CRO from a rocket scientist called Dr Karl Blanks, co-founder of Conversion Experts in 2008 at a seminar. It’s a wonderfully inspiring topic and the basics are easy to understand, and with some work, are easy to make pay off. These methods do require expert guidance so where do you start?
The Conversion Detectives Digital Growth Audit
An audit of your site will give you an idea of what can be done to help turn visitors into sales and we will also make recommendations for the relevant online activity we think will aid your business to outpace your competitors. This could be anything from affiliate programmes to SEO, from email marketing to traffic building campaigns using social networks.
The Virtuous Circle
Once you have an audit you can plan. You then have a direction and with the right tools be able to benchmark your site’s improvements. CRO never ends as visitors and the web and its technology are in a constant state of flux.
If you are serious about your Website you’ll need to have a long-term plan that involves consistent SEO best practice and improving your conversion rate to make the most of your investment.
All the best,