Social Conversion Skills in 7 Words
Don’t Count the Sheep Until They’re Hatched
Social Grace
Do you like reading about the things that turn you on? I was reading this article by Nathan Linnell entitled ‘4 Steps to Measure Social Media ROI with Google Analytics’ and my eyelids lost to gravity.
I went from “ON” to “OFF” because I want to be entertained and I want a conversation when I’m learning about any aspect of Conversion Rate Optimisation. I certainly don’t mean any disrespect but I’ll say I learned nothing.
Social Conversion is “Buzzzzzzzing!”
Human-being’s are social and yes you want to track where your traffic is coming from, no doubt about that and I’d say analysts are so valuable that they should be kept in cotton wool and fed on peacocks but they miss one vital note. It’s about people, you know the funny folk you talk to.
The more options you give to visitors on your site to ‘converse’ (and use your skill to start the conversation) the more likely “conversion” is to take place.
Stop Buzzing and listen to your visitors and let them educate you as to what they want. It’s their site, not yours.
Perhaps I should hide my soapbox so I can’t get on my high horse?
All the best,