Conversion Tools:

Posted on Apr 13, 2011 | 0 comments in 5 Words:

Browser, fold, scrolling, seeing, clicking


How Visitors See Your Site

I came across this tool thanks to Conversion Rate Experts. In fact, it was seeing a seminar from CRE that inspired me to start my own business focusing on the ever-changing world of Web sites. allows you to see how your site is seen in browsers set for different resolutions (that is how big the browser window is). It’s very neat and very quick.

Enter your URL and see a colour coded overlay of what a visitor sees depending on the resolution of their browsers.


How Useful is Foldtester?

I think it gives a very clear indication of when a visitor will have to scroll down your page and that’s not a bad thing. Most visitors are used to scrolling down the page and as long as the page looks like it continues you shouldn’t be losing a visitor because they think there is no more to the page.

If you like then compare its use with a heat map solution, CrazyEgg and you will be able to tell how many visitors are clicking on elements ‘below the fold.’


Visit the site here


All the best,

Jim Signature

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