Conversion for the Soul in 5 Words
User Experience, Art, Science, Church
User Experience
Chris Lake (twitter: @lakey) has written a thoughtful article ’30 User Experience Quotes to Warm Your Soul’ which asks the question is design a science or an art?
The Soul of Conversion
We drown in stats. We analyse everything related to our Websites and we make actions of our data. Soulless isn’t it?
What if you looked at your site as a piece of art? How would that change your attitude to what you do and influence your user experience and therefore aid conversion?
Art v Science
A businessman sees white space as a vacuum, an artist:
“White space is to be regarded as an active element, not a passive background.” Jan Tschichold*
I find science without humanity lifeless, divorced from people because that’s how logic works and I am sure that when you view the world, and that means people, as art, your work will reach a higher level.
The Narrow Church, The Broadest Strokes
So my Website’s a canvas then Jim? I just paint it with broad strokes and they will convert to our cause?
You could paint your Website with oils or you can make an art of ‘Don’t make me think.’ – Steve Krug*
Art is not just about the material produced its attitude and attitude changes more than Google Analytics ever will.
My Opinion
Have a go at shifting your thinking from the rather linear analytical approach to the more rounded artistic vision.
All the best,
*The above quotes are from Chris Lake’s article.